Manipur Police Sets Up Special Cell to Tackle Extortion by Underground Groups and Gangs


In a strategic effort to curb rising criminal activities in the state, the Manipur Police have established a special cell to combat extortion by underground groups and gangs. This cell aims to focus on addressing the increasing threats that have disrupted both individual lives and businesses. This initiative signifies the state’s commitment to ensuring safety, peace, and security in the region, targeting organized crime more effectively than ever before.

Manipur Police’s New Special Cell: A Crucial Step Towards Ending Extortion by Underground Gangs

The Rising Issue of Extortion in Manipur

Extortion has plagued the state of Manipur for years. It’s not just a buzzword but a harsh reality that many businesses and ordinary citizens face. These underground gangs, operating largely in secrecy, have built networks of intimidation, demanding money from people under threats of violence. It’s like living under a cloud of constant fear, where even conducting simple, everyday tasks feels dangerous.

But why has this problem become so entrenched? The roots of extortion in Manipur can be traced back to the socio-political instability in the region, including decades of insurgency, poverty, and unemployment. These factors create the perfect storm for underground groups to thrive, and unfortunately, it’s the common people and business owners who bear the brunt.

Why Is This Special Cell So Important?

To put it plainly, the Manipur Police’s decision to set up a special cell marks a monumental shift in how the state is tackling organized crime. Previously, law enforcement agencies were stretched thin, dealing with a myriad of issues, from insurgency to internal conflicts. Now, with a dedicated team solely focused on combating extortion, the police can zero in on the criminals who are responsible for these acts of intimidation.

This is more than just a symbolic gesture—it’s a tactical move to restore confidence among the people and businesses of Manipur. When the police are able to work swiftly and decisively, it sends a clear message to criminals: the state is serious about its crackdown.

How Does the Special Cell Operate?

So, how exactly does this special cell function? The unit will operate as a dedicated team within the Manipur Police force, focusing entirely on intelligence gathering, enforcement, and quick response. They’ll use modern surveillance techniques, undercover operations, and coordination with other law enforcement agencies to track and apprehend the culprits. Unlike regular police officers, the members of this special cell will have specialized training to deal with the intricate network of underground groups.

Imagine the difference this could make! Businesses that were once constantly harassed by extortion demands might finally have some breathing room. It’s a way to break the cycle of fear that has gripped Manipur for so long.

The Scope of Extortion in Manipur

Let’s talk numbers for a second. The actual extent of extortion in the state is staggering. While many cases go unreported out of fear, those that do come to light paint a disturbing picture. Underground groups target everything from small roadside vendors to large-scale businesses, demanding hefty sums of money. If payments aren’t made, there’s a risk of violence, arson, or worse.

It’s not just about the money, though. Extortion destroys the trust and confidence needed for a thriving economy. When businesses are afraid to operate, investments dry up, and economic progress stalls. The creation of this special cell, therefore, has ramifications far beyond just tackling crime—it’s about rebuilding the state’s economy from the ground up.

Underground Gangs and Their Influence

One might wonder, how did these underground gangs gain so much power? The answer lies in the complex socio-political landscape of Manipur. Decades of conflict between various ethnic and political groups have allowed these gangs to rise to power. Often, they exploit local grievances, positioning themselves as protectors or enforcers, while in reality, they are the very source of the problem.

What’s particularly troubling is the organized nature of these groups. They aren’t just small-time criminals operating in isolation. These gangs often have connections to larger networks, both within and outside the state. Some are even linked to insurgent groups, making the situation even more volatile.

The Challenges Ahead for the Special Cell

While the establishment of this special cell is a significant step forward, it’s not going to be an easy battle. These underground groups are deeply entrenched, with networks spanning across regions. Dismantling these organizations will require more than just arrests—it will need a multi-faceted approach, including addressing the underlying socio-economic issues that fuel their growth.

Corruption within law enforcement is another challenge that the special cell will have to overcome. There have been instances in the past where local police forces were either too afraid or, in some cases, complicit in the activities of these gangs. Ensuring that the special cell operates with integrity and transparency will be crucial to its success.

What’s Next for Manipur?

So, what can the people of Manipur expect in the coming months and years? With the special cell in place, the hope is that there will be a tangible reduction in the number of extortion cases. More importantly, it’s about changing the mindset of the public. For too long, fear has reigned supreme, with people accepting extortion as an inevitable part of life. This new initiative aims to shift that perception, showing that the state is serious about protecting its citizens.

The special cell also represents a broader trend in India, where state governments are increasingly recognizing the importance of specialized units to deal with organized crime. Whether it’s extortion, human trafficking, or cybercrime, these issues require a focused approach—something that traditional policing models may not always be equipped to handle.

The Role of the Public

Let’s not forget the crucial role that the public plays in this fight. The success of the special cell will depend in large part on the cooperation of the people. Victims of extortion need to come forward and report these crimes, trusting that the police will protect them. Without public support, the cell’s effectiveness will be limited.

That’s why it’s so important for the Manipur Police to build trust within the community. Outreach programs, awareness campaigns, and open lines of communication will go a long way in ensuring that people feel safe and supported.


  1. What is the purpose of the special cell set up by Manipur Police?
    The special cell is designed to tackle extortion activities by underground groups and gangs, focusing on intelligence gathering, enforcement, and ensuring the safety of citizens and businesses.
  2. How does extortion affect businesses in Manipur?
    Extortion disrupts businesses by forcing them to pay large sums of money under threat of violence, which can stifle economic growth and create a culture of fear.
  3. What challenges will the special cell face?
    The special cell will need to overcome entrenched underground networks, potential corruption, and the deeply rooted fear among citizens who may hesitate to report extortion.
  4. Can this initiative help improve the economy of Manipur?
    Yes, reducing extortion will likely encourage business growth and investment, helping to revive the local economy by restoring confidence in the region’s safety.
  5. How can citizens contribute to the success of the special cell?
    Citizens can report extortion activities, cooperate with law enforcement, and participate in awareness campaigns to support the police in their efforts.

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